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Saki Barret

10/7/2007 - 5/16/2018

Saki always had a huge smile on her face. Every time you saw her she always wanted you to rub her belly and jump in your lap. She would love to case her tail and lights rays from the sun all around the house. She was the faithful companion to her great-grandma Selva, her grandma Miriam, and her d...

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Thank you, Saki for being a great dog and bringing us so much love.

Thank you mi Sakita, my niece I called you, for all the joy you gave me...pica pica (tickle tickle) under your arm was your joy from me to do to you each time I saw you and you would raise your arm so I could tickle you, even through the phone I used to tell you that you go to the window to see if I was coming.....I saw you today with your eyes closed, resting in peace....I just wanted you to see me for one more time and tell you "pica pica"....but when I arrived to the vet you were already sleeping in peace this morning....I love you Sakita...I know you are resting in peace in heaven and one day we will meet again and I can tickle you pica pica under your arm. I love you "my Sakita".

— Aunt Monica C.

Sakita loved to play with her toys

— Aunt Monica C.

Sakita you have entered your new home in heaven in a rainbow peaceful and joyful place waiting one day to meet with you human family again. I love you Sakita

— Uncle Dale C.

Sakë is so hard to be without you, we miss you so much. You gave us so much love! Thank you for 10 and 1/2 wonderful years!

— Miriam