Hogan was rescued from the animal shelter in Stockton, Ca by the Grace Foundation. I adopted him from Grace in September 2012. He tried to bite me the day I picked him up, the little stinker. We quickly bonded and he became my shadow. Everywhere I went, Hogan wasn't far behind. He was a happ...
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Hogan was rescued from the animal shelter in Stockton, Ca by the Grace Foundation. I adopted him from Grace in September 2012. He tried to bite me the day I picked him up, the little stinker. We quickly bonded and he became my shadow. Everywhere I went, Hogan wasn't far behind. He was a happy, joyful little dog who made his way deep into my heart. He was happy and healthy and we had lots of adventures and ate peanut butter and rib eyes on occasion. He loved my other dogs, but if they tried to push him around he was quick to put them in their place. Hogan didn't take any crap from anybody. He got sick just before Christmas 2015 and couldn't keep anything he ate down. We went to the vet numerous times trying different treatments and medications. On January 5th he had an ultrasound that revealed he had an intestinal blockage. He had surgery later that day. When the vet opened him up they found a lot of old damage in his abdomen from what they guessed was a violent dog attack prior to my owning him. They did their best to repair the damaged section of intestines and closed him up. I visited him after surgery and he was sitting up but looked a little loopy. I saw him on January 6th and he appeared in a lot of pain. The doctor got him stabilized that night, but he died during the night. The surgical site in his intestines had failed. I was devastated. It is hard to smile without him. He took a part of my heart with him to heaven and I will miss that little yellow dog as long as I breathe. He is the dog in the front in the photo. He loved his brother Bear so much.