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11/02/2005 - 01/20/2016

As long as I can remember, I wanted a female lemon Beagle puppy, so when my husband and I were in the process of buying a house, he started looking for one. We were still living in our apartment, that did not allow pets, when he walked into a local pet store and spotted Belle. She was 3 months o...

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Miss you Belle

— MandyDan

Love and miss you my pretty girl.


Had to give you a bone too, because we all know you were always a foodie! <3


Miss you Belle!!! You were loved!!

— grandma Kathy

Miss you a lot Belle.

— Paul

What a beautiful story. I lost my lemon beagle 3 years ago. She was a gem.

— deb smith

so sorry for your loss Im sure my Bella and Bell are running and have fun with no pain so hard miss my girl so much know how you feel

— joanne smith

Wish I could have sent your Christmas super squeaker that Jeremy picked out for you to Heaven with you. I'm sure you're living it up my Belley Button.


Good morning angel! Sammy misses you dearly. Try and send him some love and comfort.


You'll always have a home in my heart my sweet angel. I love and miss you so much.


Happy Valentine's Day Belle Belle!


Just had one of those sudden moments where I lose my breath at the thought of you and the tears just fall. I know that you're not here on this memorial page, but for some reason, coming here to "check in" makes it a little bit easier. i love and miss you so much my beautiful Belle Belle.


Yesterday was one month since you left us. How can it feel like yesterday and forever at the same time? It was also "Love your pet day." Fitting. You better believe I sent my love up to you, just like I do every day and will continue to do. You may not here in body, but you'll live in my heart as my beautiful girl always.


Do you see what's going on down here sweet angel? Apparently it took two beautiful girls to even try to fill the void you have left behind. There's no replacing you my love. Just giving these girls the love they need and that we long to give. I hope you're pleased. Love and miss you as much as ever!


Missing you tons!


Love and miss you sweetheart.


Three months tomorrow! I didn't think they would, but the days do get easier, though that doesn't mean you're any less loved or missed. Until we meet again my sweet girl. Send Sammy some special love from Heaven for his 10th birthday on Friday if you can.


Missing you so much my angel! The days get easier, but the memories and the love I have for you will remain forever.


I love Sassy and Daisy, but they don't hold a candle to you my wonderful girl. I miss you so much. <3


I can't believe it's going on a year! A year without your beautiful face and loving kisses. Daisy and Sassy have made themselves at home and I'm sure you would pleased. They help to make the ache a little less, but you sure were one a kind my sweet girl. Please watch over Sammy as he starts to get on in his years. He gave us a scare a few weeks ago, but luckily he's doing okay. Until we meet again my chunky butt, I love you! :o*
